Monday, December 11, 2006

THINK OF THEM-- they are our responsibility ! ! !

“To me an Indian is one who has got a Vedantic brain which probes deep and soars high; an Islamic body that is vibrant and valiant; a Buddhistic heart overflowing with compassion and kindness and Christian limbs of service and sacrifice”
- Swami Vivekananda


He was sitting crouched, helpless in a nook of his ever big home. He knew that this was the same day that came yesterday. Not same in numbers but same in its daily routine, devoid of hope for future. He was sad and helpless not because the day wasn’t any different but because in his very big home he was all alone. Despite of having such huge mansion it was not possible for him to have one companion to think about him, to help him bring that difference, and neither was his home able to show him one corner that could shadow a shelter upon him.
He was one more orphan in the home of our country. He was one more soul longing to find a meaning for existence, his amorphous existence, but all he knows is to struggle for existence. Amorphous, in the sense, that he had no unique crystalline identity for his living.
He woke up every day from his sweet “never to become true” dreams where his life was acknowledged by success and recognition and above all a decent living. But it was always obvious for him to know what surrounded him the minute he enters reality, where he can see every other child take his role of his dreams. He was one of them who knew what education meant, to enlighten your role in this society. He knew it much more than others just because he was ripped off the chance to make his impression on his contenders (fellow generation). Physical existence took priority over eternal. He had to go for the least opted methods to earn his living.
He felt it crazy when ever he pitied looking at his fellow orphan eagerly looking out for help. Toughest of his daily routine was to accept people refusing to help him. He now realized that it was neither money nor a sudden transition in his abject living, all he searched for was a benevolent and feeling heart and a helping hand.
Despite so many people around him, it is strange that he became an orphan just because he lost his kith & kin. It should be the responsibility of we Indians (who live in the same house) to render the helping hand to needy and the homeless. Don’t let the hope die in those tender minds as they are the hope of our future India.

P.S: I might not be that good at bringing out agony of the homeless but all I want to give out is that our concern for them could at least keep their hope intact for some more time.


Society comes first. “We have only one passion, The Rise of a Great Nation”


Blogger trans said...

good one...for a great cause. kewl...keep penning

7:11 PM  
Blogger vinny said...

Yaar I feel proud to hav ea frnd like u hmm ok tryin to reach me :p just kiddin
wat i wanna say is u r intension is very generous,but the approach is some wat complicated try to be simple u r writings about wordly things should be perceptible in the very first browse. keep sharing

12:50 PM  
Blogger RajaSekhar said...

Homeless , Helpless KID waiting for some one to help him right ...

Nice thought ...

it would be better if u have explained what we could do and whats our responsibility towards them ....

"He now realized that it was neither money nor a sudden transition in his abject living, all he searched for was a benevolent and feeling heart and a helping hand."
this sentence is enough to fetch u ten out of ten ...
DO: *if possible*
give the same post again after visiting one orphanage ...

10:45 AM  

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